SS 101

First Steps in Unfolding Awareness

Prerequisite: High School Diploma or Equivalency

This semester us designed to focus on the mind of the student, using creative meditation and visualization techniques to create a bridge between the Soul and the personality. We look at the functions and purpose of the Soul, and the student is introduced to the study of subtle energy, its nature, role and effects, the basic precepts of Spiritual Science, and first steps in psychic development.

SS 102

An Examination of Death, Dying, and Post-Earthly Life

Prerequisite: Successful completion of SS 101

This semester we look at the Soul’s purpose for incarnating and the esoteric process of dying and post-earthly life, in order to give the student a greater awareness of their own path through reincarnations and an increased potential to symbols, both personal and cosmic, is approached through studies, homework, lectures, meditations and dream interpretations. An oral/written book report on a related subject, and the creation of a personal obituary are also required. Personal process work for transitioning, journaling, and the lesson of forgiveness makes this semester outstanding for the completion of the first year of study in spiritual science.

SS 201

Unifying Concepts in World Religions 1

Prerequisite: Successful completion of SS102

A study of the roots, evolution and unifying concepts of techniques to create a bridge between the Soul and the world religions is the theme of this semester's course. The personality. We look at the functions and purpose of the Soul. The golden thread of truth is traced through a study of Hinduism, and the student is introduced to the study of subtle energy, it's Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam and nature, role and effects, the basic precepts of Spiritual Science, Christianity. Highlighted in the semester is a study of esoteric interpretations of the Old Testament, teaching of Yogic philosophy, exploration into the techniques of deliberate creation control, and other ancient teachings of the masters, the basic the and the first steps in psychic development. 

Meditation this semester is designed to further bring the student into a heightened state of intuitive awareness, as well as, an understanding of how the personality and its complexities can hinder spiritual development. This interdependence of thoughts, words, emotions, and actions, life, in order to give the student a greater awareness of their influence on the student's life is studied and applied. Discussion, lectures and experiential exercises bring these aid and comfort others in situations near death.


SS 202


SS 301


SS 302


SS 401


SS 402


Unifying Concepts in World Religions 11

Prerequisite: Successful completion of SS 201

The study of world religions, their underlying principles and universal truths is continued. Students will have an opportunity to research and present to the class written reports on religions, which include: The Greek philosophers, Native Indian, Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Mayan, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Society of Friends, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventist and Yoruba beliefs. We also study the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and explore various ways to attain balance and harmony in our lives. Students are asked to attend a service at a place of worship (churches, temple, mosque, etc.) not of their own faith and to share an account of their experience with the class. 

Through continued emphasis on heightening personal awareness, maintaining a focus on the present, and correlation of our thoughts, words and actions, we learn how to create and manifest our dreams. Home and classroom meditations, as well as exercises in psychic development, complement and enhance our studies.

The Foundation of Spiritual Healing 1

Prerequisite: Successful completion of SS 202

The study of spiritual healing for third year students focuses on the healing of self and others. The student is introduced to the vital psychic centers or chakras, physical anatomy, and the functions of the endocrine system. Assigned reading from ancient teachings and current writers, from ancient mystery schools and recent medical breakthroughs, to quantum physics as applied to healing, all enable the student to analyze his situation and break through old patterns of habit and thought. Etheric healing techniques and other complementary modalities are demonstrated. 

Meditation this semester is designed to bring the student into a personal awareness of the body's energy centers and to understand how the personality and its complexities can hinder or block spiritual development.

The Foundation of Spiritual Healing 11

Prerequisite: Successful completion of SS 301

The second semester continues the previous semester's work. Advanced procedures are demonstrated and applied. Advanced meditations attune the students to their subtle bodies and help build the bridge to the higher self and ultimately, the soul. Class discussions explore new advances in healing. Students will write a Healing Prayer and prepare an oral/written book report on a related subject. 

At the end of the third year, successful completion of all attendance, homework, meditation and other class requirements results in an academic certificate of completion. 

In addition to these requirements, the student who desires to develop toward service as a healer will have the opportunity for additional training resulting in the Basic Healing Certificate. Through this training, mentoring by the teaching staff and service in the healing meditations, the student will learn to successfully demonstrate an understanding and application of Etheric healing techniques, plus the ability to hold a clear focused channel for healing energies. 

Foundations of the Ministry 1

Prerequisite for lay track: successful completion of SS 302

The fourth year is designed to provide deeper growth and development for the student seeking enlightenment through the study of the ancient mysteries and philosophies. Exploring the creation and evolution of the human race, the earth, and the universe, and the individual's place and connection with the universal powers are highlighted in this semester. An understanding of the influence of cosmic energies upon peoples and nations, and a study of initiations as they affect humanity and the cosmos, is examined through a study of the Qabalah, the Tarot, Cosmic Doctrine and Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine as presented through the Divine Plan. 

The meditations this semester are designed to further awaken the psychic connection between the student's mental mind and spiritual mind and bring a conscious awareness of the higher aspects of one's self. Discussion, lectures and experiential exercises bring these concepts to life. 

The student will know the requirements for the lay track or ordination track well in advance to allow for deep consideration and meditation upon the decision. Each choice offers an equally rewarding and important path of service. 

Foundations of the Ministry 11

Prerequisite for lay track: Successful completion of SS 401

Prerequisite for Ordination: Invitation by The CSSC Board

The second half of the fourth year continues the studies of the ancient mysteries and philosophies as we work with such classics as Manly P Hall's Secret Teachings, Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah, and the Tarot. It is through these three vehicles that we deepen our knowledge of the universal language of symbolism - the language of God-Goddess, and through which we strengthen and create our alliances with the archetypes which are the vehicles of God-Goddess. We learn of co-creation in partnership with God-Goddess, with Higher Self and Soul-Spirit. The creation of the cosmos, earth, and the origin of the human race are studied from various perspectives. We study the components of miracles and how to create them for ourselves and for our world. 

Meditations are from the Secret Teachings and the Tarot cards. Students will paint their own Tarot cards. Instruction in the basics of giving intuitive readings is given. Each student will give three taped 20 minute readings, to explore whether this is a gift and talent that you wish to further develop. The fourth year, provides preparation for further entrance into the mysteries. Upon completion, the student has established a firm foundation for further spiritual growth and expansion. 

*Ministerial students will complete additional training requirements which are designed to address the major aspects and functions of a minister's role and service.